Touchscreen Issue Resolved

You can write a script to re-load (unload + load) the goodix module on sleep / resume. The issue will go away.

Hey guys, they released a new bios addressing these issues (v0.24)


touchscreen doesn’t work again since v0.25 up to v0.29

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I can confirm that on v.0.29 touchscreen doesn’t work on any GNU/Linux except Ubuntu-MATE as they prepared some special modifications for this GPD model.
I’ve tried to use custom acpi in GRUB as well as use custom DSDT. No success.

As I mentioned, Ubuntu MATE prepared special release for GPD P2 Max, but I don’t have knowledge of how to get their patch to any other GNU/Linux system (I use Manjaro btw).
If you still working on this, could you please take a look? Thank you!

UPD. There is Manjaro package goodix-touchscreen-dkms-git with codebase at Seems this package makes touchscreen working. Is there a way to build the same thing for any GNU/Linux distribution?

The touchscreen on BIOS v0.29 has been fixed in kernel 5.16 (for the legacy GPD P2 Max at least).