Hi All,
I was unaware when I set this up there was a Discourse Forum hosted at https://gpd.digital
I was happy to close this but others commented suggesting we keep it open.
On the basis that my intent was simply to provide a community space for people to help each other and following some positive news that the GPD P2 Max - BSOD issue appears to have been resolved with a bios firmware update I have decided to make this publically visible.
I also feel it is important that I advise you of other places to go which are established communities.
Borrowed from joshwiththegoodhair
- GPD Discord Channel - chat with other GPD owners (best way to get help!)
- /r/GPDPocket - subreddit for Pocket
- /r/gpdmicropc - subreddit for MicroPC
- /r/gpdwin - subreddit for Win