I installed Ubuntu Mate 19.10 (alpha) today on the P2 Max.
Everything works out of the box as far as I can tell except the Touchscreen.
Suspend for some reason does not turn off the fan though.
At idle (just running Psensor) its running at 37/38 degress C
With Firefox open with one tab (mozilla.org) and nothing else happening 40/41 degrees C
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OK, so I cleaned the old paste off the CPU and Heatsink pipe using Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)
I repasted using Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut
Booted Ubuntu Mate 19.10 (alpha)
At idle (just running Psensor) its running at 34/35 degrees C
With Firefox open with one tab (mozilla.org) and nothing else happening 36/37 degrees C
Both tests were done on Ubuntu Mate 19.10 (alpha) at 2560x1600
and 5% brightness in Power Management Preferences
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