Understanding GPD Device Updates and Troubleshooting!

Hello everyone,

I recently purchased a GPD device and I am absolutely loving its versatility. However, I have encountered a couple of issues while setting it up and wanted to ask for some advice from the community.

Firmware and Driver Updates: Is there a recommended source or method for downloading the latest firmware and drivers for GPD devices: ?? I want to ensure I am getting updates safely without risking compatibility issues.

Performance Tweaks: For gaming or multitasking, are there specific tweaks or configurations you would recommend to maximize the performance of GPD devices, particularly models like the Win 4: ??

Common Troubleshooting Tips: Are there known issues that new users should watch out for: ?? For instance, I have read about fan noise adjustments or thermal management any advice here: ??

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts !! This community seems like a fantastic resource for GPD enthusiasts and I would love to learn from your expertise.

Thanks in advance for your guidance !!

With Regards,