Hi @S_J
Thanks for your kind words.
I apologise for the delay in replying but I needed to think about my reply before I replied.
Ok, so when I made decision to purchase domain and setup this discourse forum I did so as a pure act of trying to help others, being ex IT support, I thought maybe I could take some of the demand off GPD, perhaps help with better explanations in English and triage support requests into major and minor or user error. This space appears to have been well received by GPD users.
Please understand I didn’t really think about the long term of administrating, moderating, maintaining such a site, I simply was trying to respond quickly to (as I saw it) GPD not being quick enough or good enough in basic customer support, plus not having a space where they could address matters succinctly. The IGG space whilst good for new backers to see negative feedback isn’t really a space to help people as it’s not designed to be used as a support channel.
I personally have no desire to profit from other people’s misfortunes, or problems, and only ever set this up as a community space for all of us to share and make better use of. I admit, this site may not be as pretty as it could be, (when compared to say Ubuntu MATE Community forum or Mozilla forum) but then I favour function over style, and for me personally I do not have any desire to make this a full time project although I am happy to attempt to support gpd users as and when I’m able to,
In terms of donations, again there is nowhere mentioning donations because I never sought to do so. I also commit to a Buddhist lifestyle / regime which means I do not want for anything and have no desire to receive any donations personally.
There is one exception to this and I think I would be willing to setup a bitcoin address and or ethereum address for donations to be received which would not go towards me in any way but would help contribute for domain name renewals and the vps server which is hosting this site. I’m also using my personal gmail currently to backhaul the system notifications from and it would be nice in the future to move this to noreply@gpdsupport.com which can easily be done but I’d need to obtain a mailserver and setup DKIM and SPF. (My preference would be protonmail)
I will create these later and link to this post.
Thanks again for your comments and your kind words.
EDIT: Lastly just to clarify fully, Neither I nor the site gpdsupport.com will ever accept any monetary donations, sponsorship, or other remuneration from GPD as to do so would immediately undermine the integrity of this site as an independent gpd user community. We are happy however to receive from GPD test prototypes or fully produced products on loan or otherwise to be used for the sole purpose of helping and supporting users with their GPD product.
I hope this long winded explanation fully explains my position?